This site lists professional and hobby musicians who are present on and asked to be listed.
The goal is to encourage friendly conversation and collaboration of musicians on

Cards button will show the list in as a collection of cards for each musician. Clicking on a card will open it larger and allow clicking on links

List button will display the same list in a more table-like format.

Cards of musicians

This view presents the list as cards. You can search, filter and sort this view.

List of musicians

This view presents the list as a table. You can search, filter and sort this view.


Jacob Gorban

My name is Jacob Gorban (my and, among other things, I play guitar, write and record original music or covers and occasionally post music videos on YouTube.

I had the idea for this list because I've had quite a few inspiring music-related discussions on and I wanted to make it easier for musicians to find each other on the service, to facilitate even better discussions and maybe even some collaborations.

Who knows what this great community is capable of?

I'm open to any suggestions to improve this.

How to get on the list

If you want to be added to the list,
Fill out this form or DM me (@jacob) the list of items below (you may want to do this if your skill is not listed)

  • Name (if it doesn't appear on your account, optional)

  • Location (optional)

  • Instruments that you play (including vocals) and/or other music-related skills (such as composer, producer, mixer, recording engineer, songwriter)

  • Up to two links (not including your profile, which will be added automatically).

  • Bio (a sentence or two)